Saturday, July 12, 2008

Leave it to Beaver

Today I completed my first mission,  "Leave it to Beaver".  

Location: Carson City, Nevada

Mission: Take off along the Carson River, following the clues to find the secret box containing a stamp to add to my book.  

I took off down the path towards the river.  Careful to avoid any real beavers we had to tip-toe around they're handy work.  There was some slight confusion about the last clue, yet we still found the box!  

So keep looking people!  On to the next mission! 

Over and Out!

Friday, July 11, 2008


I am CAP, yes that CAP. I'm awesome. The box I came in says "Made with 100% recycled awesome". I hold to the fact that I am 100% original awesome.  

I like to letterbox. If you don't know what that is then check it out at  

So my new covert mission (covert because I'm supposed to dead)(and mission because I'm CAP, I've gotta have something to do) is to collect as many boxes as possible, and in the process se as much of America I can.  

My new home base is in Carson City, NV. Any suggestions as to where to go or pictures that you have taken of me please e-mail them to 

Over and out.